
nepali name of birds

Below are the list of the translated names of birds in Nepali. Hope they are helpful to anyone interested or in need of it.
S.N.English nameScientific nameNepali name
1Impeyan PheasantLophophorus impejanus Danfe(डांफे)
2Asian pied starlingSturnus contraThople laatokosero(थोप्ले लाटोकोसेरो )
3Spotted owletAcridotheres tristisdangre sarau(डाङ्ग्रे सारौं)
4Great crested grebePodiceps cristatus dubulkichara(डुबुल्किचरा)
5PeacockPavo cristatusMajur, Mayur, (मजुर्, मयुर)
6Eurasian collared doveStreptopelia decaoctoKanthe Dhukur (कण्ठे ढुकुर)
7Himalayan bulbulPycnonotus leucogenysTaarke Jurel (तार्के जुरेली)
8Oriental pied hornbillAntracoceros albirostrisKaalo Dhanes (कालो धनेश )
9Great cormoranPhalacrocorax carboJalewa (जलेवा)
10Long legged buzzardButeo rufinusLamkhutte shyenbaaj (लाम्खुट्टे श्यनबाज)
11Great egretCasmerodius albusThulo seto bakulla (ठुलो सेतो बकुल्ला)
12Common merganserMergus merganserKaure haans (कौरे हाँस्)
13Tibetan snowcockTetraogallus tibetanuskongma hiukukhura(कोङमा हिउँकुखुरा)
14Woolly necked storkCiconia episcopusbhundifor(भुँडिफोर)
15Little ringed ploverCharadrius dubiuslaghu rajputrika(लघु राजपुत्रिका)
16Rose-Ringed ParakeetPsittacula krameriKanthe Suga(कन्ठे सुगा)
17Steppe EagleAquila nipalensisGomayu Mahaachil (गोमायु महाचिल)


  1. So nice collection of Birds names in Nepal. I rarely found such nice list of birds. For baby names in Nepali origin, I recommend

  2. if i am not wrong, the scientific and english name of Dangre sarau will be wrong, the correct name will be Acridotheres tristis (scientific name)

    1. Thanks for the correction. Hope to have your feedback soon.

  3. English name of hutityang please

  4. it would be better if you added some normal normal birds name like crow, Parrots etc but this is good too !!


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