
Thursday, January 24, 2013

great tit in nepal

Great tit are small birds with white head, black cap, white cheeks, grey blue legs, black bill and yellow breast with black stripe on the belly. The black stripe is narrower in case of female tit and the feathers of male is brighter else they both look similar. These birds nest in holes of tree or wall made up of twigs, stems, leaves, grass etc in a cup shape. They also live in manmade nest boxes of woodland, parks, farmland, gardens and towns. These sparrow sized birds feed on worms, seeds, cockroaches, grasshoppers, crickets, bugs, flies, beetles, bees, wasps, snails, woodlice, caterpillars, spiders etc. during breeding season female birds lays 7-9 eggs in a clutch. These birds have lifespan of around 3 years. They are seen in Bardia of Nepal.
Common Name:great tit, khaire chichilkote, खैरे चिचिल्कोटे
Scientific Name: Parus major
Weight: 16-21 grams
Color: white head, black cap, white cheeks, grey-blue legs, black bill and yellow breast with black stripe on the belly
Length: 14 cms
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